Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Afternoon" - 1968 , With Margins 32.25 x 21-vii/8", Paradigm size 27.25 x 17.75", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 35.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Afternoon" - 1968
With Margins 32.25 x 21-7/8", Image size 27.25 x 17.75"
Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
35.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Later Picking" - 1977 , 21-i/viii x xxx-ane/8", Print, Original Impress, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Triton Press, NY., 300.00 (Sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"After Picking" - 1977
21-1/eight x 30-1/8"
Original Print, First-class condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Triton Press, NY.
300.00 (Sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Later the Hunt" - 1994 , With Margins 31.5 x 22.v", Paradigm size 26 x 17.5", Collograph, Excellent condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 32.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"After the Chase" - 1994
With Margins 31.five 10 22.5", Image size 26 x 17.v"
Excellent condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
32.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Albert'southward Son" - 1970 , With margins 29 x 24", Image size 24 x xx" , Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., fifteen.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Albert's Son" - 1970
With margins 29 ten 24", Image size 24 x xx"
Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
15.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Bermuda" - 1969 , With margins 13.25 x 17", Paradigm size 10.25 x xiv", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 12.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Bermuda" - 1969
With margins 13.25 x 17", Image size 10.25 x fourteen"
Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Bradford House" - 1967 , With margins 16 ten 24", 12 x 20" , Collograph, Original Collograph, First-class Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 35.00 (Sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Bradford House" - 1967
With margins 16 x 24", 12 ten twenty"
Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
35.00 (Sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Braids" Exhibition Affiche "Andrew Wyeth: The Helga Pictures" - 1987 , With bottom margin 25 x 25", Paradigm size 19.75 ten 25", Print, Original Exhibition Poster, Fantabulous condition, National Gallery of Art May 24 - September 27, 1987, 300.00 (2 bachelor)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Braids" Exhibition Affiche "Andrew Wyeth: The Helga Pictures" - 1987
With bottom margin 25 x 25", Prototype size xix.75 10 25"
Original Exhibition Poster, Excellent status, National Gallery of Art May 24 - September 27, 1987
300.00 (2 available)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Burning Off" - 1962 , With margins 17 x xiii.25", Image size 11.75 ten nine.25", Print, Original print from the "Four Seasons" folio, Excellent status, Editors of Art in America, 125.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Burning Off" - 1962
With margins 17 x 13.25", Image size 11.75 ten 9.25"
Original print from the "Four Seasons" folio, First-class condition, Editors of Art in America
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Chambered Nautilus" , With margins 22.five 28.five", Image size 12.5 x 24", Print, Original Print, Splendid condition, Shorewood Fine art Reproductions, Inc., NYC., 20.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Chambered Nautilus"
With margins 22.5 28.five", Prototype size 12.5 x 24"
Original Print, First-class condition, Shorewood Fine Art Reproductions, Inc., NYC.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Evening at Kuerners" - 1976 , With margins 24.5 x 34.5", Prototype size 18-v/8 x 29", Print, Original Print, Splendid condition, New York Graphic Lodge, Ltd., Thomas Todd Co., Boston, 32.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Evening at Kuerners" - 1976
With margins 24.v x 34.5", Image size xviii-5/8 10 29"
Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Gild, Ltd., Thomas Todd Co., Boston
32.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Flour Mill" - 1985 , With margins, 36 10 24", Image size 27-7/8 x 20-1/8", Print, Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., 900.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Flour Mill" - 1985
With margins, 36 10 24", Image size 27-7/8 10 xx-ane/8"
Original Impress, First-class condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Ground Hog Day" , With margins, 19 10 24.75", Image size 17.75 ten eighteen.25", Impress, Original Print, First-class condition, Harry Northward. Abrams Inc., NY, 200.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Ground Hog Day"
With margins, 19 x 24.75", Prototype size 17.75 ten eighteen.25"
Original Impress, Excellent condition, Harry N. Abrams Inc., NY
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Basis Wire" - 1985 , With margins 28 10 32", Image size xx 10 26", Print, Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Order, Ltd., 900.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Ground Wire" - 1985
With margins 28 x 32", Image size 20 x 26"
Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Gild, Ltd.
900.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Her Room" , With margins 21 ten 32", Epitome size fourteen.v ten 28.25", Print, Original Print, Fantabulous condition, The Farnsworth Art Museum Rockland, Maine, 36.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Her Room"
With margins 21 ten 32", Paradigm size fourteen.5 x 28.25"
Original Print, Excellent condition, The Farnsworth Art Museum Rockland, Maine
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Ides of March" - 2000 , With margins 26 x 37-7/8", Image size 19.75 x 33", Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Order, Ltd., 50.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Ides of March" - 2000
With margins 26 x 37-7/eight", Image size 19.75 x 33"
Excellent condition, New York Graphic Lodge, Ltd.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Kelp Ledge" - 1969 , With margins 13.25 10 17", Image size nine-seven/8 x 13-7/eight", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 12.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Kelp Ledge" - 1969
With margins 13.25 x 17", Image size 9-vii/viii x xiii-7/8"
Original Collograph, First-class Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Outpost" - 1972 , With margins 28-5/viii x 27.5", Image size 23.25 10 23.25", Collotype (OOP), Original OOP (Out-of-Print) Collotype, Excellent Status Rare+, © 1972 Andrew Wyeth—All rights reserved., New York Graphic Guild, Ltd., Exclusive Distributor, Printed in U.South.A. by Triton Press, N.Y.C., Inventory Number 6514, 1500.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Outpost" - 1972
With margins 28-5/8 10 27.v", Prototype size 23.25 x 23.25"
Collotype (OOP)
Original OOP (Out-of-Print) Collotype, Excellent Condition Rare+, © 1972 Andrew Wyeth—All rights reserved., New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Exclusive Distributor, Printed in United states of americaA. by Triton Press, N.Y.C., Inventory Number 6514
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Olsons'" (Study) - 1981 , With margins 28.75 x xx.25", Image size 22.75 x twenty.25", Print, Original Print, First-class status, Brandywine River Museum, 45.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Olsons'" (Study) - 1981
With margins 28.75 x 20.25", Image size 22.75 x 20.25"
Original Print, Excellent condition, Brandywine River Museum
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Raccoon" - 1972 , With margins 34" x 33", Image size 28" 10 28", Collotype, Original Collotype, VeryGood Status, New York Graphic Gild, Ltd., Triton Press Inc., NYC, 2500.00 [E]
(American, 1917-2009)
"Raccoon" - 1972
With margins 34" x 33", Prototype size 28" 10 28"
Original Collotype, VeryGood Condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Triton Press Inc., NYC
2500.00 [E]
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Salt Marshes" - 1969 , With margins 24.25 x 31.25", Image size 19.25 ten 27.25", Collograph, Original Collograph, Fantabulous Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 35.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Salt Marshes" - 1969
With margins 24.25 x 31.25", Image size xix.25 x 27.25"
Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
35.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Schooner Aground" - 1970 , With margins, 22 x 32-1/viii", Prototype size 17 x 29", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 35.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Schooner Aground" - 1970
With margins, 22 ten 32-1/8", Image size 17 x 29"
Original Collograph, Fantabulous Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
35.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Soaring" , With margins 22.v x 28.5", Image size 12.75 10 23.v", Print, Original Impress, Fantabulous status, Shorewood Fine Fine art Reproductions, Inc. Sandy Hook, CT, 140.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
With margins 22.five ten 28.5", Epitome size 12.75 x 23.5"
Original Print, Excellent condition, Shorewood Fine Art Reproductions, Inc. Sandy Hook, CT
140.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Spindrift" , With margins 19.75 x xl", Image size 15 x 36", Collograph, Original Collograph, Fantabulous Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 250.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
With margins 19.75 ten 40", Image size xv ten 36"
Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
250.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Spring Beauty" , With margins 24-7/8 x 34", Image size 20 ten 30", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 35.00 (Sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Spring Dazzler"
With margins 24-vii/8 x 34", Image size 20 x xxx"
Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
35.00 (Sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Storing Upwards" - 1962 , With margins 13.25 x 17", Epitome size viii.5 x 11.25", Halftone Print, Original print from the "Four Seasons" folio, First-class condition, Editors of Art in America, 35.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Storing Up" - 1962
With margins 13.25 x 17", Epitome size 8.5 10 11.25"
Halftone Print
Original print from the "Iv Seasons" folio, Excellent status, Editors of Art in America
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Written report for Barracoon" Exhibition Affiche "Andrew Wyeth: The Helga Pictures - 1986 , With bottom margin 27-5/viii x 29-5/8", Prototype size 22.25 x 29-5/eight", Print, Original Exhibition Print, Excellent condition, National Gallery of Art, Washington May 24 - September 27, 1987, te Neues Publishing Company, New York, Copyright 1986 Leonard E.B. Andrews, xxx.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Study for Barracoon" Exhibition Poster "Andrew Wyeth: The Helga Pictures - 1986
With bottom margin 27-v/8 x 29-five/8", Image size 22.25 x 29-5/viii"
Original Exhibition Impress, Excellent condition, National Gallery of Art, Washington May 24 - September 27, 1987, te Neues Publishing Company, New York, Copyright 1986 Leonard E.B. Andrews
30.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "That Gentleman" - 1969 , With margins 13.25 x 17", Image size 6.75 x fourteen", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 12.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"That Gentleman" - 1969
With margins 13.25 x 17", Epitome size 6.75 x 14"
Original Collograph, First-class Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "The Clearing" , With margins 27-3/8 x 22.25", Image size 24 x nineteen.25", Impress, Original Print, Excellent status, Creative Picture Publishing Co., NYC. , 300.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"The Clearing"
With margins 27-3/8 x 22.25", Epitome size 24 x 19.25"
Original Print, Splendid condition, Creative Picture Publishing Co., NYC.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "The Coot Hunter" (Large) , With margins 17 x 23-7/8", Image size 12 x 20", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 25.00 (sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"The Coot Hunter" (Large)
With margins 17 x 23-7/viii", Paradigm size 12 ten 20"
Original Collograph, Excellent Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
25.00 (sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "The Coot Hunter" (Small-scale) , With margins 13.25 x 17", Prototype size 8.25 x fourteen", Collograph, Original Collograph, Splendid Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 12.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"The Coot Hunter" (Pocket-sized)
With margins 13.25 x 17", Prototype size 8.25 x xiv"
Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "The Preppie" Exhibition Poster "Andrew Wyeth: from public and private collections" - 1983 , With margins 27-7/viii x 21.75", Paradigm size 13.75 10 17", Print, Original Exhibition Poster, Splendid status, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 12 - February 28, 1983, Courtesy: John H. Surovek Fine Arts, Inc. Palm Beach, Florida., 200.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"The Preppie" Exhibition Poster "Andrew Wyeth: from public and private collections" - 1983
With margins 27-seven/8 x 21.75", Image size 13.75 x 17"
Original Exhibition Poster, Excellent status, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 12 - February 28, 1983, Courtesy: John H. Surovek Fine Arts, Inc. Palm Beach, Florida.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "The Slip" - 1977 , With margins 23-iii/8 x 30", Paradigm size xviii.25 ten 26", Print, Original Print, First-class condition, New York Graphic Order, Ltd., Triton Printing Inc., NYC., 900.00 (I left)
(American, 1917-2009)
"The Sideslip" - 1977
With margins 23-iii/eight 10 thirty", Image size xviii.25 x 26"
Original Impress, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Triton Press Inc., NYC.
900.00 (Ane left)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Sparse Water ice" - 1971 , With margins 33 x 38.5", Image size 27-7/8 ten 34-three/viii", Collotype, Original Collotype, Excellent Condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Published under the auspices of the Brandywine River Museum, Triton Press Inc., NYC., 900.00 [Sold, Due east]
(American, 1917-2009)
"Thin Water ice" - 1971
With margins 33 10 38.5", Image size 27-vii/viii x 34-3/8"
Original Collotype, Splendid Condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Published nether the auspices of the Brandywine River Museum, Triton Press Inc., NYC.
900.00 [Sold, Due east]
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Tolling Bell" - 1970 , With margins 27-7/8 x 20.5", Image size 24 x 17.5", Collograph, Original Collograph, Excellent Condition, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY., 32.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Tolling Bong" - 1970
With margins 27-7/8 x 20.5", Epitome size 24 x 17.five"
Original Collograph, Fantabulous Status, Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, NY.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Trodden Weed" Exhibition Poster "From the Wyeths Collection" - 1984 , With margins 28 x 22", Paradigm size 17.5 10 16", Impress, Original Exhibition Poster, Splendid condition, "An Exhibition Opening the New Fly September 16 through Nov 18, 1984, Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, 125.00 (Sold)
(American, 1917-2009)
"Trodden Weed" Exhibition Affiche "From the Wyeths Collection" - 1984
With margins 28 x 22", Image size 17.5 x 16"
Original Exhibition Poster, Excellent condition, "An Exhibition Opening the New Wing September 16 through November 18, 1984, Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
125.00 (Sold)
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Under Canvas" - 1988 , With margins 24.25 x 31.75", Image size xix.five x 27", Print, Original Print, Fantabulous condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., 900.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Under Sail" - 1988
With margins 24.25 x 31.75", Paradigm size 19.5 x 27"
Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Writing Chair" (or "Early October") - 1981 , With margins 27-5/viii x xx-1/8", Image size 20.75 10 13-one/8", Impress, Original Larger Size Print, Fantabulous condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., 250.00 [Sold Due east]
(American, 1917-2009)
"Writing Chair" (or "Early October") - 1981
With margins 27-5/viii x 20-i/eight", Image size 20.75 10 xiii-1/8"
Original Larger Size Print, Fantabulous status, New York Graphic Order, Ltd.
250.00 [Sold Due east]
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "Wolf Rivers" - 1977 , With margins 19 x 17.75, Image size 13-three/viii x 12.75", Print, Original Print, Excellent condition, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Parker Polychrome, Inc., 30.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"Wolf Rivers" - 1977
With margins xix x 17.75, Image size 13-3/8 x 12.75"
Original Print, Fantabulous status, New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Parker Polychrome, Inc.
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "From Mt. Kearsarge" (AKA "From Mount Kearsarge" [New Hampshire]) - 1970 , The size with wide margins is 23" x 31-7/viii", Image size is 20-iii/4" x 28-7/viii", Collograph, OOP (Out-of-Print), Excellent Rare+ condition, Never framed, '© 1970 Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, N.Y., inventory number No. 1172, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Made in UsA., A Collograph Print, writer of the reproduction & press of the collograph was the well known Arthur JaffĂ© Heliochrome Company, Dalton, MA and New York (1926-1980), 30.00 [Sold E]
(American, 1917-2009)
"From Mt. Kearsarge" (AKA "From Mount Kearsarge" [New Hampshire]) - 1970
The size with broad margins is 23" x 31-7/8", Image size is 20-iii/4" ten 28-vii/8"
Collograph, OOP (Out-of-Print)
Excellent Rare+ condition, Never framed, '© 1970 Aaron Ashley Inc., Yonkers, N.Y., inventory number No. 1172, Indianapolis Museum of Fine art, Made in UsA., A Collograph Impress, writer of the reproduction & printing of the collograph was the well known Arthur JaffĂ© Heliochrome Visitor, Dalton, MA and New York (1926-1980)
30.00 [Sold E]
Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009), "May Day" - 1971 , With margins 18" x 33-9/xvi", Image size 12-three/4" x 29-9/xvi", Collotype (OOP), Original OOP (Out-of-Print) Collotype, Splendid rare+ status, Never framed, © 1971 Andrew Wyeth—All rights reserved., New York Graphic Order Ltd., Sectional Distributor, Published under the auspices of the Brandywine River Museum of the Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine Inc., Printed in U.S.A. by Triton press Inc., Due north.Y.C.Inventory Number 6449, 2000.00
(American, 1917-2009)
"May Day" - 1971
With margins eighteen" x 33-nine/16", Paradigm size 12-3/4" 10 29-ix/sixteen"
Collotype (OOP)
Original OOP (Out-of-Print) Collotype, Excellent rare+ condition, Never framed, © 1971 Andrew Wyeth—All rights reserved., New York Graphic Club Ltd., Exclusive Distributor, Published nether the auspices of the Brandywine River Museum of the Tri-Canton Conservancy of the Brandywine Inc., Printed in U.S.A. by Triton press Inc., N.Y.C.Inventory Number 6449
Source: https://www.meibohmfinearts.com/onlineArtShop/details/82
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